No. 64,001 – Improvement In Plane Irons (William H. Eckert) (1867)

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United States Patent Office.


Letters Patent No. 64,001, dated April 23, 1867.



The Schedule referred to in these Letters Patent and making part of the same.



Be it known that I, WILLIAM HENRY ECKERT, of the city of Syracuse, Onondaga county, New York, have invented a new and improved Plane; and I do hereby deciare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description of the same, reference being had to the annexed drawings, making a part of this specification.

The letters used represent corresponding parts wherever they occur.

To enable others skilled in the art to make and use my invention, I will proceed to describe the same, and its form when complete and ready for use.

Figure 1 represents a perspective view of the plane irons when put together.

Figure 2 represents the cap.

Figure 3 represents a cross sectional view of both the plane irons, with the nut and screw.

In the common form of plane irons the screw is made to pass directly into the cap, for the purpose of holding the two irons together. This form of construction involves the necessity of unscrewing the cap when-ever the irons are separated for sharpening, or any other purpose of separation. The object of my invention is to dispense with this necessity and enable the irons to separate by simple handling.

I make the cutting iron A in all respects in the common form, with an elongated slot, a, for the movement of the screw s, and with a circular aperture, o, for the screw-head to pass through. Instead of inserting the screw in the cap, I make the nut n, which may be in any convenient form, square, oblong, circular, or other-wise; but I consider the oblong form the best, because best calculated to bold the cap straight with the cutting iron. In the cap C I make the slot or opening h, into which the nut n is made to fit, and it should be so made as to receive the nut with a snug joint. By this means the cap C, which in other respects is made in the common form, is readily adjusted by means of the screw and the irons, separated by slipping the cap C off from the nut n.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is —

The nut n, in combination with the planing iron A, the screw s, and the cap C, made and operated substantially as and for the purposes described.

I also claim the slot h in the cap C, when made to it upon the nut n, and applied to planing irons, substantially as described.

