No. 14,635 – Spoke Shave (Martin Snow) (1856)

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Specification of Letters Patent No. 14,635, dated April 8, 1856.


To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, MARTIN SNOW, of North Bridgewater, in the county of Plymouth and State of Massachusetts, have invented an Improved Manufacture of a Knife or Cutter for a Spoke or Heel Shave; and I do hereby declare that the same is fully described and represented in the following specification and the accompanying drawings, of which —

Figure 1, is a rear edge view or elevation;
Fig. 2, an underside view, and Fig. 3, a transverse section of one of the said articles.
Fig. 4 shows an underside view, and Fig. 5, an edge view of a shave, having said cutter or knife applied to it.

Such knife is constructed of steel and with each of its starts A, A, extending from the blade B, parallel to one another, and with each bent or split in two parts, as seen at a, and b, and so that the outer part or portion b, shall serve as a spring to hold the starts or knife firmly in place within the sockets or receiving holes of the stock, D, when the knife is applied to said stock.

Spoke or heel shave knives as usually affixed to stocks are either confined thereto by separate wedges or screw clamps. The contrivances which I employ to hold the knife in place form one and the same piece with it, as well as parts of its starts.

I am aware that it is not new to hold an article in place by means of a spring, therefore I do not claim such, my invention relating to a new or improved manufacture, which of itself is a new article in the market, and from its peculiar construction is rendered one, which is not only very simple, but one of great utility.

The practical use of such a spoke shave or heel knife for upward of a year has proved that when its starts are so made, there is not the slightest difficulty in maintaining the knife in place by them; the depth of its cut being adjusted by simply driving the starts backward within their socket holes as circumstances may require.

What I claim is –

My new or improved manufacture of a heel or spoke shave knife made of one piece of steel and with both of its starts bent or formed in the shape of springs, in manner as specified.

